DOES GOD EXIST ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By BootBlock/TerraForm Does God really exist ? Well, as far as I'm concerned, NO. Why don't I believe in him/her/it ? Well, basically because there's no proof, that's why. God is just one of those made-up things. Some personages waaaay back in those Jesus-esque times had a conversation ..... BLOKE 1: .... Thou is bored .... BLOKE 2: what shall for art thou do ? BLOKE 1: Shut the bugger up will you ?? Stop talking in that f'kin annoying vøice, you twat. BLOKE 2: Hmmm .... I wonder how we got here ? BLOKE 1: Dugh! Y'know, we nicked those plums and the stall owner saw you and shouted "OI ! CUM'ERE YA FIRKIN THIEF !!". And ya got a tad pissed off and yer threw a plum at her and it hit her in the tit. And then you yer bash'stud ran into me and we fell and hit the shit cart and got covered in horse shit. Yer dopey clit flicker (!?). BLOKE 2: No, I mean did we get HERE, in THIS world ? BLOKE 1: Er... dunno'. Why ? ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ BLOKE 2: Er...'s just HOW DID WE ? My mumsy shot me out of her fanny and her mumsy shot her out of HER fanny. BLOKE 1: Ya mean... who was the first bitch (replace the word woman with bitch and women with bitches) to krank out the firstest baby bitch ? BLOKE 2: YEAH ! That's it ! BLOKE 2: So who was it then ? BLOKE 1: Fock if I know! Ask the supreme leader bloke. BLOKE 2: Yeh. Good idea! BLOKE X: WHHAAAATT !?!? HOW DARE YOU ASK SUCH QUESTIONS !?!¿¿!?!?!?!?!¿!¿!?!¿¿!¿?? BLOKE 2: If your such a supreme leader, then what farted out the first bitch, then EH ? BLOKE X: YOU STUPID KuNtS! GUARDS - TAKE THEM TO THE DUNGEON !!! BLOKE X: Oh shit. Now what we gonna do ?? GUARD 1: Er... oh supreme leader ... BLOKE X: What is it ? GUARD 1: Everyone's asking where the first bitch shooter came from. What shall we do ? BLOKE X: Ermmm..... err... urmmm..... tell them the Announcement Bloke (A BLOKE) will be in the AIDS (All Idiots Die Successfully) arena tonight, to tell them were the first "Bitch Shooter" came from. A BLOKE: The first bitch shooter came from the supreme *SUPREME* Leader of the whole world and distant lights (stars), "God". A BLOKE: "God" is the creator of ALL things. He (A Bloke being a show-vo piggy obviously decided that "God" is a HE. Well, "God" would be more of a stupid twat if it was a WOMAN, would it/she ?) made the ground we stand on, the cold-and-strong-thing-but-we-can't-see-it stuff we breathe to keep us alive, the food we eat - well, the animals we kill actually; the weapons we fight with, the distant lights, and even us. God is everything .... -+- There's the story. Or maybe the two blokes made it up themselves for a bit of a jape, and nearly every STUPID BASTARD believed them. I mean, God ?? What is God ? Where is God ? Who the fuck is God ?? In the 1960's, the devil (God's enemy type dood) was yellow !! In the 1970's, the devil was green, and now he's red. What a fuckin' fuck-up, eh? (in the cartoons I mean) If God does exist, why are the Jehovah Witnesses (which believe in "Wouldn't-even-appear-for-a-gander-at-Ulrika-Jonsson's-tits" God) saying that Earth began 15,000 years ago? The Earth began about 4.5 million (4,500,000) years ago when the Sun was in puberty and Mars was in a nappy. If God is "real", why is he such a wanker then eh? Fuckin', there was a flood ages ago, in which it rained for 40 days and 40 nights where Noah (fnarr indeed!) got a boy and a girl of each animal and put them ALL into a boat which bobbed up & down in the sea. Ha-Fuckin'-Ha. Of course he built a boat ALL ON HIS OWN and got EVERY SINGLE SPECIES OF LIFE AND PUT THEM *ALL* ON A WOODEN BOAT ? How did he build this so called boat ? Did anyone help him ? I think not. Why? Becoz if a load of people helped him build this boat, donch'a think they'll be a bit suspicious. Even if he did think of an excuse, when the floods actually happened, didn't anyone even try to get on his boat as the only way of surviving this so-called flood ? So, God did this flood, yeh ? WHY ? So God wiped out the ENTIRE Human race except for two of them. A man and a Woman. So this man and woman had the job of starting the human race of again (sounds good!). Hmmm.... methinks that we are ALL related. So I'm related to you and everyone else on this planet. We are ALL brothers/sisters/cousins, that includes the animals as well. Dooms Day. What the hell is this "Dooms Day" thing? I've heard that it is a big button somewhere, and if you press it, all the evil spirits will be released and the sky will go black and well, everything will basically fuck-up in quite a bad way. How come when there's a "horror" film (I *HATE* the word "Movie" - its one of those shitting American phrase things) about GOOD vs EVIL. You can bet that the good person will get mutilated/shot/burned/crushed/stabbed/melted or some other `orrible way of dying. And the evil person(s) will win the fight until the end when "God" decides that enough of his slaves (ie the humans) get killed, he ends up winning the evil people. If God does exist, he must be a sadistic (interesting word!) BASTARD. Famine, war, cruelty to animals (which I FUCKIN' HATE), and much related stuff - obviously not forgetting the PeeCee & of course American "Chat" Shows. Well, that's all I suppose. If you believe in God, then justify your belief ..... We're waiting ...... +-==-+ Hey Freak, when we were blabbing about God and stuff and I mentioned that article about God and stuff. This isn't it. I can't remember were I had saved it. The only original part of the urm... original in this version, is the bit about the colour of the Devil. Signed BootBlock/TerraForm